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Applied is Ready | Article 3

Applied Engineering was tasked to help a local government agency transition their software platform. With numerous applications that had been created to fit a specific need, over time they became difficult to manage. In this case, these applications were created to help reserve shelters and swimming pools in the community.

The Challenge – create a facility reservation system that will combine the multiple existing systems and be incorporated into a single web based system so that the local government can use a single system to reserve shelters and swimming pools in the area

Critical Success Factors:

  • Allow for the creation, tracking and editing of reservations through the use of a calendar or search method
  • Allow multiple means of payment for customers reservations
  • Allow for the purchase of beverage permits
  • Allow for reservation and permit documents to be printed

Applied’s task was to develop a custom application that would incorporate the required functionality of the existing reservation systems and to allow for complex filters regarding seasons, dates and rates.

Applied designed and implemented an application to search date ranges to find shelters and facilities that are available for reservation. Filters were used to narrow down the search based upon dates, number of people attending, non-profit organizations, birthday parties, etc.

Once reserved, the application allows for different means of payment including an integration with a third party credit card processing API. In addition, the application allows for beverage permits to be purchased and printed along with the receipts for the shelter or facility reservation.

Outcome – By utilizing Applied, the challenge was met with a modern, user-friendly software platform. The application now has the ability to  create  reports  that  can  be saved for organizational purposes thus, increasing operational efficiency.

We’re ready to help you with your next software development project, contact us today.

Did you miss last week’s article? Never fear- we’ve got the link to it here!