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The State of Printing Architectural Plans

As we journey further into the digital age, paper copies of plans and other business documents may seem unnecessary. From e-readers to our phone bills, the push to go paperless grows by the day. When it comes to architectural plan sets, however, a high quality hard copy is still as relevant as ever.

Advances in digital technology have made editing and sharing documents convenient. Digital plans can be easily changed and sent to co-workers or managers for review. Despite this convenience, architects and clients alike still prefer hard copy versions of the finalized project.

Hard copies offer tangible benefits that don’t translate to digital. Clients want to hold plan sets in their hands. Hard copies are much more practical and easy to access on a job site. They are also more workable for meetings. It is much easier for a group of people to review a high quality hard copy than a digital version on a computer screen.

At Applied Engineering, we offer a wide range of printing services, including high quality, large format digital printing, specification books, and laminating. No matter the scale or format of your project, our attention to detail will ensure that your plans and specs are accurate.

We can also take care of your distribution needs. With daily UPS shipping, we can send your plans directly to client on your behalf. We also scan your original blueprints to ensure that the files are easily accessible between the time sent to print, to the time the final prints are received.

We’re not overlooking the convenience of digital copies. It’s clear that hard copy plan sets remain valuable to architects and clients. The need for scanning and storing plans continues to grow. In next month’s newsletter, we’ll discuss our available scanning services, and how we can help you.

Click here to learn more about Reprographics or contact LuAnn at 701-281-1884 or